Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Raises Funding for the Haiti Grass Project


The Haiti Grass Project wishes to recognize Kappa Alpha Theta sorority members at Florida State University for their recent contributions to the Haiti Grass Project. Led by Andrea Strickland, the sorority’s Service Director, Kappa Alpha Theta raised $636 to help the project further its mission.

“After hearing a class presentation about the impressive work being done in Haiti, I felt moved by the Haiti Grass Project’s mission and wanted to make a difference,” said Strickland.

Over the last several years, as part of its mission, the Haiti Grass Project has presented its community-based grass restoration work to thousands of FSU students to raise awareness about soil erosion, habitat and biodiversity loss, and food security issues in Haiti.

Donations like Kappa Alpha Theta’s are essential for the project’s implementation of planting grasses throughout rural Haiti villages and building international awareness about these issues. Dr. Tawainga Katsvairo, the project’s founder and director, said the project is appreciative to all Kappa Alpha Theta members who contributed to this fundraising effort.

Continued and increasing support from campus programs and partners is critical for expanding the Haiti Grass Project’s reach and fostering mutually beneficial opportunities for the organization, students, and Haitian villages. One such supporter is Florida State University’s Center for Global Engagement where Dr. Katsvairo was invited to present to the Global Perspectives class, a requirement for the Global Citizenship Certificate.

“The Haiti Grass Project provides a wonderful opportunity for our students who are pursuing the Global Citizenship Certificate. Working alongside Dr. Tawainga, our Global Citizens learn more about Haiti and the Haitian experience while fulfilling our sustained experience requirement,” Dr. Bryant Harden explained.

Dr. Katsvairo re-emphasized that the project would not be this far along were it not for the strong network of student and faculty volunteers at FSU. For more details on the Global Citizenship Certificate, please visit: https://cge.fsu.edu/global-citizenship-certificate.